Hello all,
I am here in Germany and having a great time!!! have to ask Jana for some help with how to put photos up... this blogsite has all it's instructions in German, so not the easiest... but I am kinda learning.
Went to 3 lectures with J-na yesterday and out to a uni 'math' faculty party last night. Was weird to be back at a uni event. And man German Boyz are tall... puts all my male friends to shame... couldn't believe it.
Today i went to uni again, but took a book to read. I mean fungi and algae is really interesting, but i had a bit of trouble understanding the language. After uni i went shopping, whoops. I finally have a winter coat, but spent a bit too much money on other stuff too... i really needed the t-shirt, trousers and hairclips... really!
Oh and everyone would be really proud of me. I rode a bike to uni today and around town... I think i was a bit slow for Jana, but i didn't even fall off... even if no one else is proud, i am proud of me!!!! YAY. am feeling super fit now!!!
Before i left London for the week i had breakfast with Jose, one of my housemates... he comes home from work at about 4:00am which is when i happened to be leaving for the airport. We often have meals together when i get home from work and he is about to go off for his night shift. I am loving home, all my housemates are lovely. i have even gone to the pub with the french ones a few times, they are all really friendly. I am also LOVING mid-terms (holidays), and school is awesome too. have been at some crazy schools over here, but they have all been good. and the work has been coming too. oh and catching up with friends has also been good.
so now all i have to find is a church... and i am looking into one, so i will see how that goes this week.
well, off to watch a german soap.
will post some photos soon, promise!!
love you all,
hugz from Münster