so, i sit here, i think i'm on holidays (my temp job is on holidays but i might still get called to work casual, although i doubt it). and i am planning what i need for the next few weeks of activities. I'm off to the South Coast Walk this weekend and then Minneapolis and Honolulu the wednesday after... it is so exciting to be thinking of seeing Andy and Mandy in Minneapolis and Kristy (a pregnant Kristy) and Shayne in Honolulu.
but what about the september that was?? as i can't seem to settle, i keep flitting away and i had a weekend in melbourne with ange catching up with claude and meeting her beau eddie... thanks for a fabulous weekend claude! i was also lucky enough to catch up with luke from london and kristal, dan and sexy rob (gee, a blast from the past... i keep thinking whether i should still be calling him his nickname from when we were 17, seeing as now he is married and a father.... oh well). and it was just lovely to explore melbourne and get lost as a tourist. which i'll be doing tomorrow night in sydney. oh yeah, oh yeah!!!
what else, after melbourne i went to brisbane for the weekend... i met up with the gorgeous julie in brisbane with her mum too. my weekend in brisvegas was a blast from the past, meeting up with 2 people i went to chile with when i was 16 (julie and alex) and also catching up with dane who i met in perth when we were 12. haha. it made me feel really really old!!! i met some interesting people at the hostel and had some great conversations that opened my mind to the things i know about... always great to have these experiences i think.
i've also rekindled a friendship with Grae me a friend from gangshow and he has some great green friends. so i've been spending some time with them. i'm going hiking with them this weekend and i'm looking forward to just chilling in a tent. i really miss camping, so i'm glad i have been inspired by grae me to get out there. and that he is a doer, so all i have to do is go along. (cheers grea me!)
what else... lots of thinking about life, chilling with friends and catching up with people, a wedding and oh, of course, a night at the pickled possum... and lots of fun!
so even though i am now back in sydney, life is still an adventure and i am really enjoying it. few other different thoughts happening, but i'll post them as they develop a little further...
enjoy your day!!! and smile at a stranger!
me, carol, bin and ange the school group at bin's wedding
sydney before the dust...
it was interesting actually, chatting to tori about out travels and how self-centered we are when we keep diaries... and i was thinking about this blog... and it is very much me centered, not event and place centered... but then again, my life revolves around me. haha. so yeah, if you want to find out about the actual places, not just my take on things, then you'll have to either ask me for more info, or look up the places yourself. haha.