Sunday, August 08, 2010

the city-to-surf

so... today i did the city-to-surf for the first time. haha... didn't run. haha. but i did love taking in the atmosphere of all the different walks of life who took part in it. and also a view of my beautiful city that i haven't seen before... I almost kicked myself for not taking my camera with me. oh well... next year.

also i've been doing some thinking about lots of things in life. i have some great questions, but not answers. haha. I was speaking to a man this evening about 'unlearning'. How do you start to explore ideas that go against what you have grown up to believe and be ok with the contradiction? can the contradictions work hand in hand?

anyways... if i find out some amazing answers, i'll have to write a book to share them all with the world. haha.

hope you all had a great weekend too.
p.s. the warm weather has been so amazing to be out in... more of this!
