my beautiful country!!! woohoo!!!!

ok... so, i'm back to school and they've just dropped me to 1 3/4 days. haha. so now i'm gunna figure out what on earth to do with my life... take it easy, chill, think, rest in God and just see what happens. or actively seek out a few things. I've been having some great conversations with people and meeting some interesting people of late, so i'm going to try and spend a bit of time seeing what I can learn. Bring on the learning!!! woohoo!!!!
so... what have i been up to?? camping was fantastic! I went to melbourne with michelle garratt for conference called "surrender" and then decided to sign up for a week down in melb living in a share house of people helping to run a soup kitchen. I went to Radelaide twice and just bummed around being me.
here are some lovely photos for you to enjoy!