well, here I am in Hastings. it's Christmas day here and boxing day in Australia. I wonder what the weather is like in sydney today. it's cold here, but sunny. still haven't gotten that white Christmas that I've longed for... maybe in a few years. haha. it has been so much fun staying with Andy and Mandy. and to meet Noah. wow, he is just so big!!! almost 11 months... he had a new baby cousin born yesterday and apparently he looks real big compared to her. it's
funny to think how small he looks and how much smaller he would have been a year ago.
I'm going to go for a walk now, to the Mississippi river... ha. the only reason I know how to spell that is because of Annie. haha.
I'm gunna go before it gets too dark. I'll write more when I get back from my walk... maybe. haha.
love you all,
merry Christmas, joyeux Noel, Feliz navidad.