Wednesday, January 11, 2006

6 months down...

well, i woke up this morning and realised it has been 6 months today since i left Australia. And I am having a blast over here. But have not done nearly as much as i had planned, so i better get cracking.

We are having a party on Saturday which will be a cultural fest as we have everyone bringing friends along. French, Spanish, Aussie, English, Italian, who knows...

School is going really well. I am loving finally being on my own class, but I am not enjoying the planning and early starts that goes along with that. Espcially when the tube goes on strike... oh well, this is London. And it has been a bit of a shock to the system actually having to keep on top of things, write up absolutely everything and prepare resources for the things i am teaching. But yesterday was an awesome day and today has been pretty good, with the students all quite calm.

Carrie is staying with me which has been fun... ummm, what else, hopefully planning a ski trip for mid-term, or if not, maybe a trip to france or italy.

so, 6 months down and who knows how many to go. Am loving it though

love you all! Miss you aswell,

a great big warm hug (well, cos i am cold... ha)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Deev
It's very quiet here...anywho glad to hear that you're loving the teaching. The tube is somewhat reminiscent of city rail. Enjoy the party!

It's been raining a lot in the land of Oz, but its a good thing.

Miss you too