Thursday, May 04, 2006

today is a good day!

well, today is a good day!

start out yelling at clement while he is laughing in my face because he threw out one of my containers (it is a bit of a joke, but apparently i am precious about my containers, so i have to make sure that I am). but, it was 7:30am and the sun was shining, so it had to be a good day. so i continued to be angry at clement but let him know that he wasn't going to ruin my good day, but that we are no longer friends. (and no, i am not sorry for maybe waking up other housemembers, because today, i don't care!!)

anyways, walked to school and saw the speechy from my old school, was nice, and the sunshine was adorable. yet another part of a good start to the day. got to school teaching ummm, i think they were about 17/18years old, the oldest class in the school and they were ever so helpful. we had a good day (well one kid said he would smash my face in, but at least today no biting and no hitting and not much spit, so another reason for a good day!)

and lunchtime was on playground duty and had to guard the door to stop a runner getting out (as we couldn't manage to get the lock to work) so stood in the beautiful sunshine feeling a slight burning to my face, something i hadn't thought possible in London, so even though it wasn't probably good, it felt great, so another reason for a good day.

and then i walked home with my i-pod in my own little world in the sunshine and now i am sitting in the sun in my backyard typing this. i have no school work to do and not a care in the world (well, maybe a few things to do and a few cares, but hey, today is a good day!)

so well, i suppose i just wanted to say, 'today is a good day,' and share that with you all!


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