Monday, August 07, 2006


well, it is all a lie!!!! Tori and I are still in Romania in Brasov and went on a castle tour yesteday to 'Dracula' castle. and really, it is just a castle that they use to sell dracula stuff, Vlad Dracul never went there. But it was fascinating all the same. The countryside here is great!! And as i said before, everything is so different to the rest of Europe that i have experienced so far.

our train trip from Sighisoara went really fast as we were chatting to two romanian guys who just decided to bag me out most of the journey! GREAT FUN!!! they actually had me in tears of laughter at one stage because the call they made was just me in a nutshell, how someone you have just met can bag you out so precisely is beyond me, but they managed. and then we got to our hostel and apparently they were about to give away our beds because we arrived at 8:00pm instead of 4:00pm, whoops, never knew we had to be so ontime when travelling. our first night in Brasov was great. we wandered into the centre of town and there was a free concert with a rock type band with a violinist. they were pretty cool and then a boy band came on!! they were fantastic... dancing, singing, the whole hog... tori and i couldn't stop laughing at them, but to give them credit, they weren't too bad. then some old dude came on with a rock band and we decided sleep might have been a bit more important, so back to the hostel.

yesterday we went on the (hostel run) castle tour and it was a nice day out. full of people from the hostel, romanian food and bits of information about castles and citadels and the guide put as much dracula stuff into everything. 'see this clothing chest here?? this is where dracula used to sleep!'

ok, well, i think today is just a lazy day exploring the city and surroundings of Brasov, maybe even read in the park for a bit.

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