Monday, September 18, 2006

don't worry, I am alive!

well, despite my parents (and apparently a few others) thinking i am dead because I haven't updated my blog, I am actually going really well. Just lazy as usual. I was going to update my blog last weekend, but ended up going to the bricklane festival instead. And then this weekend I went to Leeds to visit a friend of schelle and mine called matt and of course a lovely relative called Eileen. I had a fantastic weekend and i know schelle did too. So, now i am kind of back, it's time to give you all an update. I am really good at making promises and not keeping my word. VERY SORRY!!!!

anyways, school has been interesting going back. High school is definitely not my passion, but saying that, I am having a lovely time at this school. I am a Year 7 form tutor and my kids are quite tricky, but it keeps me on my toes and always looking for something new. the perks of being a high school teacher are my free periods. 7 in total this year not bad, not bad. much better than primary. although at the moment i do not know whether i am coming or going being the Head of 3 Departments (Geography, History, RE) aswell as teaching literacy and having my Yr 7's for personal health and social education. i do however like to feel important as i get heaps of junk mail addressed to the Head of _____ Dept. (not too hard when you are the only one teaching the subject! ha). I feel like i have had 3 job promotions, but not even 1 pay rise! oh well, welcome to the real world. But, i can say at the end of every day that i have had a good day! And despite their faults, the kids are good kids, just need a bit of TLC (and the right attitude given to them.)

so, as for the rest of my trip, it seems like it was so long ago. I had a ball travelling through eastern europe. and copenhagen was beautiful too. but by the end, i just wanted to be back home. ummm, since being home i have caught up with people and tried to get my head around the life that went on hold for 1 month whist the bills kept coming. Today was productive. I bought a pair of boots (well, 2 and have to take 1 back when i decide with help which ones i am going to keep), i restarted my membership at the gym (and i am going to yoga class tonight) and i also got some photos developed from my digital camera (dad, to send to eileen!! finally). but i had too many shots on my camera, they wouldn't all load, so i have to go back to get some more done. but i am getting there.

oh, and on thursday i start my spanish course. I am really excited about that. Doing it with a girl from my old church. it will be nice to see her every week.
well, enough ramblings for one day. (and i need to get ready for yoga, ha, so unlike me). so, ciao for now.

i will post some more hopefully later this week!
hugs and a whole lotta love

tried to put some photos, but couldn't... sorry!!


Dan B said...

Hey Deev!
Good to hear your going well! being the head of three departments does sound very official, even better if you didn't say you were the only one teaching those subjects!

Anyway, godspeed

deev said...

thanks dan, i know, i should say that i am just so good at my jobs that they made me head! ha, except that is not true.