Wednesday, April 11, 2007


hola todo,
ok, well, that´s about all the spanish i can manage... haha. Have had a great few days in a little village called Corella, near Tudela and Zaragoza in Navarra, a region in the north of spain. I stayed with Jose (ex-housemate) and his family. It was nice to see him again, to see Txema again (one of Jose´s friends who stayed with us in london) and to experience a village easter.... particularly a quite traditional and catholic spanish village.

On friday was a procession of the bible leading up to Jesus death and what was to come. And on saturday i went to a resurrection service at the church with Jose´s mum. It was particularly interesting as i don´t speak much spanish, his mum speaks no english and it was a catholic service. but very lovely. and afterwards jose´s mum topok me around the village showing me a museum and the house where (sorry, i forgot who, but i´ll ask jose).

then we bummed around a lot. the weather wasn´t too nice. but most days were spent going to one pub and then another with people coming and going all the time. drinking little beers and beer with lemonade. anyways, more later (if i can remember it! ha). today i am in barcelona, and i fly to madrid tomorrow to fly out to morocco. (was cheaper than flying to morocco from barcelona... go figure.
and then, well a week in marrakech and then back to good old london town.
photos to come
love to you all!


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