Wednesday, August 05, 2009

the snow... oh the snow...

we're going skiing.... we're going skiing... is all that you could hear come out of my mouth last week, but unfortunately... it's over... and i've gone skiing... i've gone skiing... but it doesn't really have the same ring to it...
so, what have i done the past few weeks?? ummmm... i had holidays and i didn't do too much, went to wollongong, planted some herbs... oh, the life!!!
and now i'm back at work (yes, my whole 2 days a week!) and have 2 extra days this week, which will be nice. and oh yeah, i went skiing!!!
i also went to tori's housewarming which was lovely. kinda like in london again with houseparty and dress-ups... and kinda like being here before i left with a few of the rovers there. her new place in surryhills is nice. makes me want to move there... but i'm very happy here for the moment!
so, not much to report, but i just wanted to put up a few photos for you all.
so, here they are.

some of the rovertype people from the good old days... matt, luke, steph, jeremy

me and tori in true style of dress-up... it's been too long... looking good tori!

ahhhh.... the snow... that's our track that we were skiing along
tami in tree number 1... ahhh, the beautiful gums..

tami skiing up to scope out our lunch spot... it was really windy, so we needed a place with protection. and the first photo (at the top of the post) is our lunch spot!!! in the sun and out of the wind... perfect! and a nice ski back down to the track.
oh and i didn't fall over on the weekend, which i was very happy about!!!
anyways, hope you are all well!!

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