Wednesday, May 31, 2006

schelle, deev, brad, europe, the adventure continues...

well at the moment, i am sitting in a hostel in zurich with a tummy ache, after just getting over a bout of vomiting a few days ago, so this trip has been fantastic for me!! no actually, it has!

so, schelle and i started very early on monday 22nd May with a flight to Alicante and then about 5 hrs trying to get to our apartment in benidorm (which was very nice, thanks dad!). the weather was beautiful, mostly sunny days and very warm, a nice break from London. then a few cloudy days and schelle's friend brad came. stayed till monday 29th with party party and fun and beach etc. sunday deev spent vomiting until nothing but bile was produced. didn't eat for 24hrs, couldn't even drink. lots of fun.

then flew to geneva, a beautiful city. i slept the arvo whilst schelle and brad explored the town. i was up for going out that night, went for a bit of a walk and had a kebap for dinner. on tuesday we wandered the streets of geneva for a while, then hit the train to zurich. hoorray for switzerland and lindt. now wednesday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!! its raining, but we went to the lindt factory and schelle and i bought 2.5kgs of chocolate to share... it was cheap, and i love chocolate! the rest of the day has been spent walking the town (oh and for those who know/care, i bought a love is... t-shirt, cool!!)

after a curry for lunch, my poor stomach is having a hard time (again,). so once again, schelle and brad are out wandering and i am resting. we have 1 1/2 hrs to kill till our night train to salzburg. where i am already practicing for the sound of music... the hills are alive.
then home sat to start school again on mon... ahhh, love back to reality

sorry this is a bit disjointed, it's all i can muster together at the moment. please bear with me!!

love you all,
update again soon


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.