Tuesday, September 23, 2008

almost on the closing stretch...

1 day left of spain for this time in my life...
send off boxes
1 trip left with rach (so excited)
leave london,

oh my goodness... i am really i don´t know... overwhelmed, excited, scared, looking forward to what´s in store...

i have written some thoughts down about my travels in a book for me to transfer onto my blog, and of course it is locked in my bag in a locker, so it will have to be done after. sorry.

and today... wander around barcelona for one last day, enjoying the rain (and hopefully not swimming through the streets like i did yesterday) and soaking in the city for what it is... LOVE IT (but i think you all know my thoughts about spain)

anyways, off i go i suppose.
lots of love and hugs
besos y abrazos...

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