Friday, June 30, 2006

my exciting news...

well, you are reading the blog of a new Yr 7 form-teacher, Humanities, RE and PSCHE teacher. Yay for me. well, kind of. I have just taken on a Yr block at one of my most favourite Supply Schools. I am a bit apprehensive to start in September because I have to be responsible. The school have been fantastic! they don't want to overload me with responsibilities so I have 9 free periods a week!! I can imagine i will have a lot of programming to do and a lot to get my head around at first, so that will be fantastic.

it will be a great learning experience for me as I need to teach many of the major religions of the world, so i will have to research them and well, my english history probably isn't as good as it could be, but hey, something else to learn too. I am excited, but scared. So you can call me Miss Rodgers from now on the teacher of 7DR (how cool, even my initials after the class name...)

so, what does that look like for me?? well, i will probably have to change my visa, but having a years position makes that a lot easier. the school is 20mins walk from where i live and has school lunches, so that cuts costs on travel and food, which is fantastic. the school is a specific needs school which means ummm, not entirely sure. some students have mild intellectual disability, some have medical needs, some have behavioural disorders, but the school is small and the staff are very friendly and supportive.

even though primay (and predominantly special needs) is my passion, i think this is a great chance to experience something else that i know i like.

and after that?? well, the future is a long time away. My heart lies in Australia... (and i do plan on going back there) but who knows what God has instore for me and where i will end up.

it is a very exciting adventure that I am really enjoying taking part in!

oh and have seen some aussie friends recently. Michael, Felicity, Cal, Verity and Nate are in town and I had a great catch up with them over dinner last night (thanks guys).

and two friends Matt and Matt are staying at my house for the weekend. And it is great to catch up with them too. That takes the number in our house for the weekend to either 10 or 11 (with all of our visitors) and the number of Matts to 4. CRAZY TIMES.

ummm, apart from my exciting news, i don't think there is too much else going on. might make some sushi tomorrow and some banana bread (wow, i can pretend to cook some ok tasting stuff!)

if i remember anything else, i will be back on... but until next time.

hugs all round

allez le bleu

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