Wednesday, November 29, 2006

missing home... wherever that is.

just going through one of those phases where I want to be 'home'. I got a message from a friend last night who i haven't seen for years. Good old Alex Chester, ha, thought he had fallen off the face of the earth. Reminded me of the funtimes we had with our super patrol back in scouts (Me, Tori, Alex, Michael, Matt S). oh, we were a kick butt patrol... and then the fact that i'm visiting home in a few weeks and i'm not there now. i actually had some random bad dreams about home. and then the kids are being a bit hard this week, and i'm tired and starting to get sick. all these factors add together to make a not so happy deev... just want a big hug.

but, i'll move out of this phase soon. went ice-skating with some people from my church last night, outdoors at Somerset House (and the fact that is my street name in Aus). It was a fab night. I am enjoying myself over here, so hopefully this phase will pass. anyways, in a few days i will be in barcelona, hopefully that will cheer me up a bit.

take care
a big hug

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