Friday, November 17, 2006


ok, so i already know that it isn't a proper day unless i see a sirened car, let alone 5 on the way home from school. (i walk down an access road to a major road and near a hospital, so it is very likely on any given day) and yesterday was no exception.

don't tell mum this, but on my way home from school (3:50pm), i was crossing the green and saw 4 police cars with some of the green sectioned off with police tape... ok, not sure what was happening, so just walked my merry way home. get to my street and a few houses past mine are 5 more police men standing around with another sectioned off area. this area goes around the corner with more police men standing there. interesting. so, tori and i have a bit of a sticky beak on the way to the shops (we have to walk past this area) we ask the police man what happened... apparently just a bit of a fight... mmmm, blood stains all over the pavement and a few sections of road sectioned off equals 'just a bit of a fight'. when i went to spanish class at 6:15 there was a lady taking photos in the sectioned off area.

don't know the story, but it was quite an interesting day!!! love the bush.

what a wonderful world we live in!

have a good friday!

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