Friday, December 08, 2006

busy busy busy

well, this week has been a busy busy busy week filled with lots of fun things. as i already wrote, on monday, i caught up with Jana and Matt and went museum hopping (well two) in London. Lots of fun. on Wednesday night i caught up with Mark and we had dinner and then went to see Avenue Q, a bit crass, but incredibly funny (would recommend it definitely!). Yesterday arvo was great to catch up with two girls from school, Jess and Ali. Jess i had seen about a month ago, but Ali, haven't seen for 6 years, so that was rather nice. how to catch up on 6 years of someone's life over smoothie and about 2hrs. Lovely to see you two!

And then, to keep the musicals streak running, i went to Chicago last night with Lucia. It was great to spend some time with her (will be sad to see her leave, but can't wait to visit her in Madrid). We had a snack at an Italian restaurant, and in true spanish style, went for dinner after the performance (at a GREAT thai place in Soho).

tonight will be a night in to recover (do some washing, pampering and watch a dvd) and then on tomorrow off to Paris for the weekend. Where i hope to catch up with Louis (ex-housemate), maybe marion (ditto) and Beth.

Well, that's all from me. oh, and i do manage to teach in there, and extra curricular things too. If your in London, come along to my church's christmas carols service on December 17th 7:00pm. I'm in the choir.

hope you're all well. have a great lead up to Christmas. maybe have a bit of a think about why some people celebrate it.

love you,

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