Saturday, December 16, 2006


well, i'm not sure if you all know the news, but I was flying home for christmas to spend some time with my pop (on mum's side) because he was quite sick. well, unfortunately, i got news whilst i was still at school on wednesday that he had passed away. whilst we knew he was not going too well, it was a shock to all of us. so, a week before i was due to fly home i was then on the phone to QANTAS to try and get another flight home. no such luck, but hooray for flight centre who were very helpful and were able to get my on a flight for the next day.

so, a quick pack, flight home (this bit not so quick, but not too bad, even made a friend on the flight) and now i am sitting at home in turramurra with frodo by my side. it was really good to see mum and dad this morning. I am not looking forward to seeing Val (pop's wife) this afternoon. i think it will be very hard for both her and me.

so, not such good grounds to be here, but none-the-less, nice to be here. Although, who put on the weather??? cold and raining... have i even left the UK??

one thing for sure, is it is great to see my room, my old photos, wear some of the clothes i haven't worn for over a year... all that sort of stuff. don't know when the jetlag will kick in... hopefully never.

well, i'm off to take some funeral things to Val. prayer that we will feel God comforting us in this time of hardship.

love you all to bits
dos besos

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