Saturday, August 25, 2007

barca barca barca

ok, well, this will be quick, cos i am trying to just book a train ticket before going and doing some final sightseeing for my last day in barca...

wow, the time here has gone real quick... it has been great to catch up with Hez, anna, jose and two lovely canadians i met in sevilla....

we went to la sagrada familla, parc güell, the picasso museum, montserrat, and wandered plenty of streets... having a lovely time and really enjoying what spain is sharing with us.

right, that's all for the moment... wander a bit more and get ready to get my stupid wet clothes (hanging on the roof top, and it keeps raining when i am not home, so they don´t dry...grrrrr) and go to the airport to pick ùp a car with hez and anna to drive a bit on the wrong side of the road.... what fun!!!

hope you are all well, love and hugs,

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